THC in MCT Oil – 1500mg

THC in MCT Oil – 1500mg


Relieve anxiety, pain, and inflammation while boosting your energy levels and mental clarity.

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  • $50 minimum order (not including gear)
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THC in MCT Oil is a must try for those looking for different health option to ingesting Cannabis! When cannabis is infused into MCT oil the effects of the cannabinoids can be felt more quickly and for a longer period of time. MCT oil is also a great source of essential fatty acids and antioxidants, which can have a positive effect on overall health! Cannabinoids in MCT oil is a great way to benefit from the therapeutic effects of cannabis while avoiding the negative health effects of smoking. MCT oil is a medium-chain triglyceride, which is quickly absorbed and converted into energy. Additionally, MCT oil is thought to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, making it a great choice for those looking to manage pain or reduce inflammation.

In short, THC oil and MCT oil are each beneficial on their own. But when used together, they create a synergistic effect that offers even more health advantages. We also offer a CBD in MCT oil if you are looking for something beneficial without the THC Effects.

  • 1500 MG THC
  • Dosage chart with graduated dropper
  • 30ml bottle
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